World Health Journal - ISSNe: 2961-2020

About the Journal

New Submissions

The Journal World Health WHJ , launched in June 2020. It is an academic and scientific publication edited and fully sponsored by Professionals On Line, Peru. This publication is focused on health sciences worldwide, and publishes original articles and papers related to medical sciences, epidemiology, and public health. The thematic focus of the journal favors original and unpublished articles in the area of public health, nutrition, health policies, social security, health statistics, health education, mental health, medical ethics, epidemiological surveillance, epidemiology, administration in health, health promotion, health systems and services, and the various approaches to evidence-based medicine and medical education. The Editorial Committee values in a special way the presentation of cases, and the approach of updating topics. The purpose of the Journal is to promote and disseminate research carried out in the Health sector at an international level.
This publication is addressed to physicians, professors, researchers, students of the Health Sciences and other interested parties.
Publication frequency
The publication is semi-annual and has a continuous periodicity, that is, it publishes the first issue between the months of January and June; the second, between July and December of each year.

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