OBJECTIVE The objective of this study was to compare treatment with the Invisalign system and treatment applying conventional or traditional orthodontics, with smile design as the main indicator. MATERIAL AND METHODS The method used was the exploratory systematic review, carried out according to the protocol based on the approval list of the PRISMA declaration. This study began by selecting the studies that compared the Invisalign technique and traditional orthodontics, to later exclude those that do not have smile design as the main indicator. RESULTS The number of studies with these characteristics found in the PUB MED database were 2 studies related to the smile design approach and 9 studies focused on periodontal health, pain perception, smile design technique and correct dental occlusion. CONCLUSION We can affirm that in the case of traditional orthodontic treatment it is superior to Invisalign treatment, consequently, it seems to be more than fixed appliances and traditional orthodontics seem to be more effective for better the variables that quantify the result after orthodontic treatment, while Although Invisalign treatment is not effective in all types of patients, considerable results can be observed in certain cases. It should be noted that it is always necessary to review more studies in order to corroborate these results.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Alicia Beatriz Garcia Junchaya, Moises Rodolfo Cruz Reto, Amanda Castillo Cornejo, Renato Torres García, Luis Enrique Bancayan Chapilliquen, Marisel Roxana Valenzuela Ramos