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Chronology of eruption of permanent dentition, Literature Review
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Permanent dentition

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Chronology of eruption of permanent dentition, Literature Review. (2020). World Health Journal, 1(2), 10-14.


The chronology of the eruption of permanent teeth is a process that has variations and is manifested by various factors. Braska cited in Morón et al.  It tells us that the chronology of the eruption of the permanent dentition is a process in which it is very difficult to establish a pattern or establish an adequate order since it depends on climate, age, weight, socioeconomic factor, among others1.

It is highly controversial to establish an exact chronology for the eruption of permanent teeth, since these depend on multiple factors such as age, sex, race, diet, geographic location, existing diseases, among others. In order to try to establish precise data on the chronology of the eruption of the permanent dentition, systems are used to determine the chronology, such as skeletal, dental, and dental ages1.



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2020 Oscar Jeampier Santos Quiroz, Yuli Lizbeth Tarrillo Mendoza, Marisel Roxana Valenzuela Ramos