Introduction: An impacted tooth is a retained tooth that fails to partially or completely pierce the mucosa, mandibular third molars being more common. This condition is associated with multiple factors such as the interposition of neighboring teeth, bad position of the piece to erupt, very fibrous soft tissues, or when the bone covers the anatomical crown. Objective: to determine the importance of the pre-surgical evaluation of impacted mandibular third molars and the clinical considerations for their extraction. Development: The clinical evaluation of TMI is carried out through the analysis of the possible causes that could predispose to the development of this alteration. Likewise, Pell-Gregory and Winter classify these teeth according to their depth, position and angulation, which allows the extraction to be planned. On the other hand, the importance of orthopantomography as a complementary examination, surgical management, pre-surgical and post-surgical indications, as well as the main complications due to extraction are also highlighted. Conclusions: Before extracting a TMI, it is vital to assess the conditions of the problem piece through its angulation, position, depth and commitment to neighboring structures. That is why the TMI extraction has to be planned and studied to guarantee the patient's recovery in the postoperative period.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Marisel Roxana Valenzuela Ramos, Gustavo U. Canales-Sermeño, Ruth D. Chacaltana-Limaco