World Health Journal - ISSNe: 2961-2020

Factors Associated with Gingivitis in Pregnant Women in a Disadvantaged Population
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Tooth brushing

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Factors Associated with Gingivitis in Pregnant Women in a Disadvantaged Population. (2021). Journal World Health WHJ, 2(2), 13-17.


Objective: The objective was to determine the factors associated with gingivitis in pregnant women who come to the health center in the district of San José de Sisa.  Methodology: The research was of a basic type and the research design was non-experimental, descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational.  The population and sample was the same as the population, that is, 110 pregnant women from the District of San José de Sisa with a non-probabilistic sampling for convenience to which a questionnaire of 5 questions on oral hygiene habits and sociodemographic factors and a clinical evaluation to observe the gingival state were provided.  Results: The study revealed that the associated factors were socioeconomic status where it was found that 43.5% at the mean level had gingivitis with a p value = 0.002, with reference to the age group 48.2% with gingival disease were between 20 and 29 years old with a p value = 0.280; 43.6% of pregnant women with gingivitis reported brushing at least 2 times a day when obtaining a p =0.098, el 41.7% in the second trimester presented gingivitis with a p value = 0.004. When comparing the information of the degree of instruction it was found that pregnant women with gingivitis were found that 40% had only primary and 39.1% secondary, when obtaining a p value = 0.000.  Conclusions: It concluded that there is a significant relationship between gingivitis and socioeconomic status (p=0.002), with the trimester of pregnancy (p=0.004), and with the degree of education of the pregnant woman (p=0.000); but found no statistical relationship with the age group (p=0.280) or with oral hygiene habits (p=0.098).



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Copyright (c) 2021 Evelyn S. Guerrero Perez, Alexia Ch. Herrera Garcia, Marisel Roxana Valenzuela Ramos