World Health Journal - ISSNe: 2961-2020

Peer Review

New Submissions

The receipt of a manuscript does not imply, under any condition, its publication. All texts received will be reviewed by the Editorial Committee and sent for review by external peers, who with their expertise will decide whether or not it can be published. The review is done under anonymity and using the double-blind methodology. The process is as follows: the editor and the Editorial Committee prequalify the text. If it meets the requirements, according to the journal's checklist, it is sent for review by two experts on the subject. For this review, a guide is attached with the explicit criteria that must be considered.
The peers are chosen for their intellectual capacity and their academic trajectory, as well as their practice in the area of Medicine and for the number of publications in the pertinent field or previous training in the local or international field in the field of research at a global level. Specialization in the area of Health.
The Editorial Committee reserves the right to accept, reject, request modifications and make the corrections it deems necessary to adjust the texts in accordance with the policy and the citation style of this publication.
Once the text has been submitted through the Open Journal Systems (OJS) system, the prequalification process and peer review, the authors are informed of the decision on publication. The process takes approximately six weeks.