World Health Journal - ISSNe: 2961-2020

Eagle syndrome: a review of the literature
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Eagle syndrome
Ossification Heterotopic
Elongated styloid process syndrome

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Eagle syndrome: a review of the literature. (2020). Journal World Health WHJ, 1(2), 20-22.


Introduction: Eagle syndrome (ES) is a very unusual pathology caused by the elongation of the styloid process (SP), it can cause various clinical symptoms, the size ranges between approximately 25 to 30 mm, when it exceeds these parameters it is classified as attached as elongated process. Objective: To describe the general aspects, diagnosis and treatment of Eagle Syndrome. Development: Eagle Syndrome is a complex pathology that requires extensive knowledge of its signs and symptoms to establish a correct diagnosis and subsequently an adequate treatment. Conclusion: Contrast-enhanced CT examination can easily diagnose this disease, it is important to consider a differential diagnosis. Surgery is the best alternative when conservative management fails, it reduces morbidity. Recognizing diagnostic tools, applicable images, and alternatives is crucial for successful treatment.



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Copyright (c) 2020 Marisel Roxana Valenzuela Ramos, Gustavo Canales-Sermeño, Ruth D. Chacaltana-Limaco