World Health Journal - ISSNe: 2961-2020

Chronology of permanent teeth eruption
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Tooth eruption

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Chronology of permanent teeth eruption. (2021). Journal World Health WHJ, 2(1), 07-11.


Introduction: The study of growth and development in the human being has a special attraction, since it is a period of great activity, in which each child and adolescent has their own rhythm of growth, which is not a simple reflection of their chronological age. Thus, the biological age of an individual will indicate what part of the maturation process has been achieved, while the chronological age will indicate how long it has lived. The times of emergence and the eruption sequences of the permanent teeth are important to evaluate the growth and development of the child as well as to determine possible internal and external factors that intervene or influence this process. Objective: to describe the chronology of the eruption of permanent teeth in various populations around the world. Method: 27 scientific articles from the PubMed, Scopus and SciELO databases were reviewed, both in Spanish and English. This was carried out according to the protocol of the checklist of the PRISMA declaration, being the eligibility criteria, population of children and adolescents between 4 and 15 years old and who had an informed consent, in addition the examiners, had to be trained to perform clinical evaluation. Results: In both boys and girls, the first tooth to erupt was the first mandibular molar at 4.9 years old and the last tooth to do this was the second maxillary molar at the age of 13.41 years. Conclusions: The most predominant factors that determine the advance or delay of the eruption are: nutritional, genetic, socio-economic, environmental, racial, sex, age and other factors.



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Romina Adamar Benavente Timoteo, Karen Luciana Benites Juarez, Esther Noemi Olaya Cortez, Antonieta Villaseca Zavala, Marisel Roxana Valenzuela Ramos