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Influence of low Socioeconomic level on the deficiency of dental brushing in school children
New submissions



Socioeconomic level
Tooth brushing

How to Cite

Influence of low Socioeconomic level on the deficiency of dental brushing in school children. (2022). World Health Journal, 3(2), 21-27.


Introduction: The low socioeconomic level is the most responsible for poor tooth brushing, since many school children do not have information on correct tooth brushing. The objective of this present article is to determine if the low socioeconomic level influences poor tooth brushing in school children. Methods: The search was carried out from May 23 to 30, 2022, in articles no older than 10 years, taking the years 2012 to 2022 as the range; the databases reviewed were ProQuest, ScienceDirect, Scopus, PubMed and EBSCO, the Boolean operators AND and OR were used and three combinations of free terms and standardized terms were used. The results were recorded in a PRISMA flowchart. Results: After applying the search words, 3415 investigations were found, where exclusion and inclusion criteria were applied, passing through different filters, only 3 of them were chosen for analysis. The data found in the articles went through an extraction process and later its ordering, following the study standards, such as methodology, results. Conclusion: As a result, it was obtained through the reviews of the 3 selected articles that the socioeconomic factor greatly influences the toothbrushing of the schoolchild, in which it was shown that not everyone has a toothbrush for oral cleaning and that parents They also do not have the necessary information to guide your child towards the correct use of the toothbrush.



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Copyright (c) 2022 Anggie Infante Guevara, Ana Quiroz Ortega, Doraliza Rodriguez Torres, Marisel Roxana Valenzuela Ramos