Pregnant women present different changes in the skeletal system, such as the increase in calcium throughout this period, there are also small reductions in bone density. Orthodontic tooth movement is based on the principles of tissue resorption and formation at the level of the surrounding bone and periodontal ligament. It should be noted that there are multiple factors that affect the speed of this type of movement. During pregnancy and lactation, certain alterations in orthodontic dental movement may be perceived, caused by changes in bone homeostasis, alterations in tooth resorption and observed bone deposition. In this article we will cover topics such as the physiology and history of pregnancy, as well as the analysis of various articles related to orthodontic dental movement in pregnant women.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Charton Dick Ancajima Ramírez, Frederik Maximiliano Parra Peña, Grace Teresa Panta Juárez, Luis Jaramillo Liviapoma, Ruth Marianella Huertas Coronado, Marisel Roxana Valenzuela Ramosa