The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the mental health of adolescents and young adults and their social environment, as well as the obstacles to accessing specialized care services. The study population consisted of adolescents and young adults aged 12 to 24 living in urban and rural areas of Peru, Mexico, and Colombia, while the sample was selected using a stratified random sampling method that included 1,200 respondents. The paradigm used was mixed with a qualitative-quantitative approach, non-experimental design type with a descriptive nature that allows the exploration of variables within their natural context. The instruments used included structured surveys and semi-structured interviews, which were validated by expert judgment and the data analyzed through statistical techniques and thematic analysis. Among the key findings is that the social environment significantly affects emotional well-being: 68% of respondents identified negative factors such as domestic violence and bullying. Similarly, only 23% of adolescents were found to access specialized services due to economic barriers and social stigma. Finally, strategies such as implementing emotional education programs, strengthening community networks, and using telemedicine could help close the gap in access while improving adolescents' quality of life.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Jorge Luis Guerra Reyes, Roberto Armando Guerra Niño