World Health Journal - ISSNe: 2961-2020

Inequalities in Access to Health Services in Peru: Analysis of the Gaps between Rural and Urban Areas
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Health inequities
Rural access

How to Cite

Inequalities in Access to Health Services in Peru: Analysis of the Gaps between Rural and Urban Areas. (2024). Journal World Health WHJ, 5(2), 18-21.


The present research aims to analyze the disparities in access to health services between rural and urban areas in Peru, evaluating structural, economic and cultural factors that limit equity in the health system. The population consisted of users of health services in both rural and urban areas, while the sample was selected through stratified probability sampling that included 1,200 participants. The paradigm used was positivism with a quantitative approach, non-experimental design and cross-sectional or ex-post facto type that allowed the evaluation of existing differences without manipulating variables. The tools used included validated structured questionnaires and statistical records from official sources such as MINSA and INEI. These instruments were subjected to validity and reliability tests through expert judgment to ensure their suitability in the national context. Among the most relevant findings is that there are significant inequities in access to health services: 65% of respondents in rural areas perceived critical barriers compared to 25% in urban areas. In addition, catastrophic costs and cultural barriers account for 57% of access difficulties in rural communities. Finally, it is concluded that the implementation of targeted public policies, such as strengthening infrastructure and the use of telemedicine, would greatly reduce these gaps and improve equity in access to health services in Peru.

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