World Health Journal - ISSNe: 2961-2020

Telehealth in Peru according to the National Plans for 2005 and 2020
New Submissions


Health professionals
Information and communication technology (ICT)

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Telehealth in Peru according to the National Plans for 2005 and 2020. (2024). Journal World Health WHJ, 5(1), 31-34.


Telehealth has great potential to provide remote medical assistance in a synchronous or asynchronous manner to those who require it. The objective of this study is to carry out a comparative analysis between the Peruvian Telehealth Plans of 2005 and 2020. This article is a documentary review. The contents of these two regulatory documents pertaining to the Peruvian health sector were meticulously traced. The results indicate that telehealth has emerged as a necessary and essential alternative for the improvement of health care in areas with difficult access geography. Although the 2005 resolution had a necessary starting point, its scope was restricted. In contrast, the 2020 resolution achieved significant progress in the incorporation of telehealth, although it also highlighted the need to continue investing in infrastructure and training of health sector employees to ensure equitable and adequate care. Although progress has been made in telehealth, there are still important challenges that require attention in order to consolidate a more effective and viable system.



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