World Health Journal - ISSNe: 2961-2020

Etiological Factors related to Neonatal Teeth
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Etiological Factors related to Neonatal Teeth. (2021). Journal World Health WHJ, 2(2), 02-04.


Introduction: Natal or neonatal teeth are considered as cysts of the dental lamina projected on the alveolar crest and composed of compact keratin; the exact etiology of premature eruption is currently unknown. Objective: To know the etiological factors of the natal or neonatal teeth. Methods: A systematic review of publications prepared in the last 5 years congruent with the topic was carried out. Results: A total of 63 published articles were found concerning the natal or neonatal teeth and using the inclusion criteria, 6 articles were found. Conclusion: Little evidence was found and from these they concluded that there is no specific relationship to the appearance of this type of teeth.



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Chicurel, N.; Guerrero, C.; Robles, M. Manejo de los dientes natales y neonatales. Reporte de dos casos. Disponible en

FIERRO, M. C.; BRAVO, R. L.; TORRES C. F.; ÁLVAREZ, H. C. & PÉREZ, F. M. A. Dientes natales, revisión bibliográfica y caso clínico. Int. J. Odontostomat., 4(2):105-110, 2010. Disponible en

Chicurel, N.; Guerrero, C.; Robles, M. Manejo de los dientes natales y neonatales. Reporte de dos casos. Disponible en

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