World Health Journal - ISSNe: 2961-2020

Evaluation of psychiatric indicators by stages of the Special Closed Regime in a Lima Prison, 2021
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Psychopathological indicators
Mental health
Mental stress
Adaptation to seclusion

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Evaluation of psychiatric indicators by stages of the Special Closed Regime in a Lima Prison, 2021. (2023). Journal World Health WHJ, 4(1), 02-10.


The general objective of this study was to calculate and evaluate the global indices of psychological distress in a population of prisoners of the Special Closed Regime in a Prison in the city of Lima, Peru in 2021. This is a study that is based on the positivist paradigm. , with a quantitative, basic, descriptive, evaluative approach. The instrument used was the SCL-90-R symptom inventory by L. Derogatis. Among the main conclusions are that of the total number of people evaluated regarding the degree of psychopathological symptoms, the highest percentage presented a mild degree with 62.8%, followed by a moderate degree with 35.7%, presence of risk 0.8% and severe symptomatological degree 0.8%. ; It is important to specify that in general a greater predominance of the mild grade was found, which is markedly normal symptomatology, which would also indicate the absence of alterations. Regarding the hypothesis raised in the study, it can be stated that the degree of psychopathological symptoms manifested by the participants is mild, since the p-value found was equal to 0.008/2 = 0.004 < 0.01, for which Ho was rejected. at a significant level of 1%.

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