World Health Journal - ISSNe: 2961-2020

The importance of saliva for oral health
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The importance of saliva for oral health. (2023). Journal World Health WHJ, 4(2), 26-41.


Introduction: Saliva is an important biological fluid for the normal functioning of the oral system and thus for overall health. Over the years, many studies have shed light on the multifaceted importance of saliva in human health and that its function goes beyond simply keeping the oral cavity moist. One of the most striking properties of saliva is its ability to maintain the pH balance in the mouth. Objective: Determine the importance of the pH change in saliva in the face of different diseases that affect the oral cavity. Design: Systematic review of studies published from September 12 to 26, 2023 Data sources: PubMed Study selection: Five reviewers searched selected and extracted information from the selected articles. All pooled analyzes were based on random effects models. The protocol is available in PROSPERO 2014 registration code CRD42014009578 Results: Of 4,406 articles, 86 were included and 4,320 articles were excluded; therefore, the included terms were analyzed, obtaining 3 duplicates and 20 included that had the appropriate data.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Diana Rosario Rado Castillo, Ameli Ñiurka Sauñe Intriago, Hector Salvatore Garay Gamboa, Katia Cabrera Munares, Marisel Roxana Valenzuela Ramos